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Google presented 3D models of animals

3D models of animals
03 Jul 2023

Modern technologies offer a lot of opportunities. Thanks to American company Google, people will have a chance to meet different animals (including wild ones) at home. The experts showed 3D models of animals: it’s possible to see them thanks to an AR headset. By the way, the animals are life-sized.    
It’s worth noting that the users can also view other 3D objects. They only need a mobile phone or a tablet PC, where they enter their request in the search box. The pictures may differ depending on a device.   
Among 3D objects that the users can find in Google search engine are cars, insects… Also, you can even go to space and have a look at the planets and their satellites. However, the latter option is available only on the NASA website.    
Everyone knows that AR technologies are used for education and that they turn out to be effective in this area. That’s why the experts developed 3D models of human organs, as well as cells and their parts. Now, the teachers can demonstrate these objects in AR, thus improving immersion into the educational process.

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