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How to watch VR movies: what you need to do it

How to watch VR movies: what you need to do it
31 May 2023

Watching VR movie is a special pleasure for movie fans because they can feel like they are the main characters and influence the plot.   Everyone can watch the movies that help to plunge into different reality. You don’t need expensive equipment and a computer for a VR cinema. One more benefit is that you don’t have to go anywhere, to stand in line to by tickets and to wait for hard-sell advertising to end before the film itself starts.   Well, let’s see what you need to watch VR movies. The most important thing is that you don’t need to be tech-savvy. By the way, you can find a lot of free content on the Internet. The most expensive thing you need is a smartphone.   It’s worth noting that you can download VR movies to your gadget – you won’t even need Internet connection to watch movies. So, here’s a list of the minimum kit you need for a VR cinema:  

  1. VR headset;
  2. A smartphone that supports VR;
  3. 360° video app;
  4. 3D movie for a VR headset.

The guide on how to watch VR movies with the help of Android smartphones:

  1. First, download a VR cinema app;
  2. Find a 360° video;
  3. Open the video and select VR-mode. After that, the picture on the phone will be divided into to parts;  
  4. Set up the image quality and sound in any way you want;  
  5. Put your phone in a VR headset and enjoy. 

You can watch VR movies on iPhone, following the steps described above. The only aspect you need to take into account is that our device must be updated to at least iOS 9.0 version.Of course, you can use a computer to watch VR movies, but it’s more difficult and requires some expenses. A computer option is the one letting you not only get a visual effect, but also to be able to interact with the characters.   You need a VR helmet to watch VR movies on a computer. Make sure your PC is compatible with the device you bought. Then, install the required software and download an app for VR movies.  At the moment, the most popular VR helmet is Oculus Quest 2. One of its benefits is that it is an autonomous VR device: in fact, you don’t even need to connect it to your PC. At the same time, it will evoke the feeling of presence – you will be able to turn your head, look at the things from any angle and interact with them.

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