A virtual reality arena is a business with infinite possibilities. You can launch your own VR club and not only hold fetes – birthdays, company parties, graduation parties, but also organize game tournaments in virtual reality. Here’s why all entrepreneurs should consider this option.
What is this format?
Tournaments are usually conducted as team competitions. The participants can form groups on their own or choose participants by lot.
First, they fight in virtual reality during elimination rounds. Those who get more scores – play at the final stage. In the end, there’re only the strongest players. The winner gets the main prize – you decide what the prize will be. This may be branded T-shirts, a certificate for a free game in a VR club or sweets.
Why is it profitable for arena owners?
Diversity of services and sources of income are the advantages of a virtual reality arena. Tournaments will help you to attract more clients and get more profit. Thus, your club will be a place for having a rest, holidays, season competitions. This is a perfect way to go beyond the bounds of your target audience.
New players will love this useful entertainment – for them, it’s a great chance to boost their tactical and competitive skills, team up with their friends and meet new people.
How to conduct competitions?
Choose a season during which you’d like to hold annual competitions. You will need 2-4 days. Everything depends on the number of teams of participants. You can allocate two days for an elimination round and spend the rest on the final round.
These days don’t have to follow each other. Make the decision based on availability of the club. If you see that there’s nothing booked on the evening of Thursday, conduct competitions on this day. If you adopt this approach, your VR arena won’t stay idle even for a second.
Be sure to advertise your competition well. Use all resources – social media, search engines and even your friends. You can also find potential partners – they will help to attract more visitors and make you more recognisable in your city or region.
You also have to take care of high-quality organization of a game. Think the game out – registration, formation of teams, games, tournament bracket and rewards.
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