Running in a pinewood, doing boxing training, doing yoga on a green lawn – now, you can do all those things at home. All you need is a VR headset. Virtual reality opens up new opportunities and changes our lives. Now, it isn’t limited to video games: it gets into all areas, expanding and modernising them. Today, you can get fit thanks to VR technologies and without going to a gym. In this article, we’ll tell you how new reality helps to lose weight.
How does it work?
VR workouts remind of a video game. There’re a lot of fitness apps based on dynamic gameplay. It’s designed to let every participant move actively while travelling in virtual reality. In other words, a player puts on a headset, takes controllers and chooses the place where they will not only work out, but also have fun: VR fitness is a real pleasure. The number and variety of locations will be a surprise for everyone. It may be a space station, a fighting ring or a public park.
How to lose weight playing a VR game?
Fighting your opponent in a VR universe, you will have to work hard: you will run, jump and dodge attacks. Thus, excess calories simply disappear while the players feel happy. It’s proven that just 40 minutes spent in the VR arena can replace 2 hours of fitness. For VR players, time flies like an arrow – the metaverse fascinates them with bright landscapes and epic scenarios. So, you can forget about long and torturous exercising in a gym.
What VR games to choose to lose weight?
Be sure that every scenario in virtual reality is a real workout. You will feel freedom and lightness in your body after the very first time. There’re dozens of apps helping to work on different parts of your body or to perfect a certain exercise. For example, a VR game Holopoint provides good cardio exercises. Sparc, a training-competition, is suitable for building muscles of the upper part of the body. If you need to work on all muscles, a boxing app Knockout League will help you to do so. You can launch your own sports VR-arena with WARSTATION and create the extraordinary world of interesting training in your city.
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