Opening your own VR arena is like taking 10 steps into the future. It is exactly the right time now to invest in your own business but it should be done thoughtfully and with minimal risks. We know how to realize this plan. Every day WARSTATION team concludes contracts and makes calls to existing and potential partners.
What questions we are asked most often? We have made a list of questions asked by people thinking of purchasing our franchise, and we have prepared detailed answers to them.
Why is it profitable to open a WARSTATION arena?
Virtual reality arena will undoubtedly arise a big interest in the residents of your city. Be it a cosmopolitan city or a small town. It's an active and exciting kind of leisure activity which is rapidly taking momentum.
When opening a WARSTATION arena you don't give away any part of your profit like you'd have to do after purchasing a classic franchise. That's because we don't charge royalties or lump-sum fees. Virtual reality is a profitable business and the initial investment is less compared to the one needed to open a pizza cafe or a hookah club.
WARSTATION arena is launched within a month’s time. Such a quick start is possible due to modern technologies and inexpensive repair work. We provide all necessary materials for the promotion and development of your business - they are included in the package offers
Why our franchise doesn't include royalties and lump-sum fees?
We are for the situation when business owners can freely conduct their business. That's why we don't want to impose any restrictions upon our partners, for example, in their choice of layout, design and possibility to develop independently. Our company provides ready developments and materials for launching your own business but it's only up to you to decide what it will look like and how you will develop it. And we'll provide help and support at different stages.
When will the business payback?
On average, the investment return period takes from six to nine months. The time period depends on many factors: the city's population, chosen package offer and advertising efforts taken to promote your arena. With the right marketing strategy, you will start getting the first profit starting from the first month, and it will continue to increase in the future.
What is required to open a VR arena?
The most important and necessary thing is to choose the premises. The premises for an arena must correspond to the following parameters: the height of the ceiling starting from 2.6 m, the minimal area of 150-200 m2 to be enough to host 10 players simultaneously, and the maximum area of 300-400 m2 to host up to 14 players simultaneously.
When opting for our franchise you'll have a good opportunity to purchase gamepads and Oculus Quest VR headsets at a discount price. We provide the necessary contacts.
After choosing the premises and purchasing the equipment at the first stage you'll need only two staff members - an administrator and an instructor. When launching your arena you must take into account marketing expenses - advertising, leaflets and banners for attracting customers.
What should be the arena's area?
The minimal area for a VR arena is 8 х 12 meters. A maximum of 8 players can play on it simultaneously. The average size arena is 10 х 15 meters, the big size arena is 10 х 20 meters and the extended size arena is 15 х 20 meters. Up to 14 players can play simultaneously in such arenas.
What kind of equipment will be used for playing in the WARSTATION arena?
OCULUS QUEST 2 is a modern comfortable headset which is perfect for people of all ages. The working time with the charged battery is 3 hours. The start of the game is very easy and doesn't take much time. It's enough to switch off the VR headset when the game is finished.
This kind of business doesn't require the constant purchase of consumables because all you need is VR headsets, a PC and a Wi-Fi router with VPN.
How does WARSTATION differ from the others?
At the moment WARSTATION franchise doesn't charge royalties unlike other franchises in the VR industry.
The cost of entry to the market is 3 to 5 times lower compared to the competitors' prices. We provide our customers with regular updates of the game settings: new maps, improvements of the game processes, updates of the administrator panel. We guarantee marketing and technical support, and our specialists are ready to consult on any business issues.
What games our partners receive when they purchase the franchise?
We offer our customers different exciting scenarios: ranging from battles in the abandoned buildings seized by terrorists and to space battles on Mars. When purchasing the maximum package offer you will get 14 game worlds for your arena: Winter village, Storming the bridge, Abandoned building, Bunker, SCI-FI STREET, Hangar, SCI-FI CITY, The last purchase, COSMIC WRECK, Space station, Mars, Wild West and others.
What is the target audience for an arena?
Any person from 6 to 60 years old can play in virtual reality. Children aged from 8 to 16 and young people up to 35 years old make up 50% of the target audience. From our experience we can tell that not only kids and adults come to play. Virtual reality arena is suitable for family rest and for friends gatherings. You can organize corporate parties, birthday parties, graduation parties and even hold off-premises events.
Are there any side effects after the game?
All our games are developed so that they don't cause any negative health effects. It all depends on your vestibular system. Most often the players don't have any motion sickness or dizziness. Detailed instructions, high definition of the image, and lightweight equipment allow you to feel comfortable in the arena starting from the first minutes. There are no health restrictions for the player to use VR, but the player's emotional state does matter. In case of necessity, you should choose the content more carefully, and avoid using maps with very bright and dynamic scenes and fierce special effects.
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