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Open games in WARSTATION arena

Open games in WARSTATION arena
20 Dec 2023

A VR platform offers a lot of leisure activities. People may come as a family, a group of friends or participate in a company party, fighting in virtual reality as teams.     

Sometimes, a person wants to improve their mood in a VR world, but they have no team. This is the situation when we recommend you to hold open games.  

The clients notify you in advance that they are ready to play, an administrator sets time and date for an open game. Choose the day when it will be convenient for you to play.  

These team competitions will let the participants get to know a lot of new people, communicate with them and let them know about the interests of each other. For a business owner, first of all, it’s about extra income, attraction of clients, average check increase and constant active club operation.  

Attendance of an arena will grow together with your income. Anyway, business in VR provides powerful capabilities for making profit. You can combine different options: hold planned competitions for teams and hold open games.

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