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13 Jan 2025

Harmony and tranquillity ruled on the calm planet where Lana, a charming grey-haired girl wearing a purple sundress, lived. Before a tragic disaster shook their world one day and power-hungry intruders broke into her country and started an ugly war, her life was one of stability and joy.

In order to stop the enemies, Lana had to discover and gain knowledge of the enigmatic power found in tanuki, adorable beings from a far-off world. That is why she embarked on a voyage and arrived on a new planet rich with vibrant colours and amazing creatures.

Lana gradually became a skilled hunter after learning about tanuki's habits and their strengths and weaknesses.

Lana persisted in the face of all the challenges. She was prepared to do whatever it took to save her world and its people because she knew how essential her mission was.

The story of Lana tells how a single girl changed the course of entire planets with just her courage and willpower.

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