If you ask what business can grow and bring profit quickly, we have an answer for you – it’s a business associated with entertainment in virtual reality. WARSTATION team prepared several principles following which you will make your arena successful.
Get started with VR.
The first thing is to do is to get acquainted with a commercial offer. It contains details on risks and advantages for our partner. From the very beginning, you will access tariffs and recommendations on opening a club and costs of materials.
This is the very beginning, we understand that you may have a lot of questions. The team of WARSTATION managers is always in touch and ready to explain everything.
Partnership WARSTATION.
WARSTATION’s partnership program is different from regular franchising. We offer plans for steady business development: REGULAR, OPTIMAL and PREMIUM. Each of them contains recommendations on the initial equipment, premises rent and renovation. You will guaranteedly get started quickly, profitably and affordably.
You will receive check lists for creating a business plan for your arena. You will highlight your uniqueness. Think about the target audience of your business, think about what you’re ready to offer them.
It will be easy to find suitable premises after you read recommendations on premises rent. Our materials provide detailed information on what space it’s better to rent for different number of players and why. Equipment and settings? No problem. You can find information about these aspects in our plans for partners.
Launching a business.
After a business plan is ready and premises are rented, it’s time to buy equipment. If you buy certain offers from our plans, you can rely on us. WARSTATION is ready to provide you with the equipment you need. What items are must-haves for your arena?
Business in virtual reality doesn’t require big investment: VR headsets, a powerful computer or laptop, router, TV and a game console for the lounge zone, a phone for an administrator.
Now, you need staff to make your arena ready for work. We provide vacancy templates, requirements to staff and the conditions in our plans. In the very beginning, you will need two persons – an administrator and an instructor.
You will also receive a check list for staff training, that includes equipment setting, rules for meeting clients, description of the process of launching solo or team games. WARSTATION managers will be there for you in extreme circumstances and will explain everything.
Permanent support also includes advertising for your arena. You will get information on creation of social media accounts, marketing materials and a website on warstation.com domain.
Costs of opening a VR club.
No matter what business you launch, expenses, risks and benefits are important aspects. The cost of launching an arena depends on many variables which we considered above. We recommend you to read this article for better clarity. In this article, you will find details of our plans, pay-off period of a VR club and the opportunities you get with a certain plan.
The secrets of profit.
Entertainment area is based on interaction with people. The crowded area will bring you a good influx of clients. Unique atmosphere in the club and plunging into virtual reality will touch the feelings even of the ones who have never heard about it. Unique designer materials will help to draw attention to your VR club. Following our recommendations, you can be sure that your business will succeed.
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